AddTo Columbia Gorge iconAddTo Columbia Gorge is available.  You can find it here.

See the sights and great natural beauty of this delightful treasure including Crown Point, Multnomah Falls, Beacon Rock, Dog Mountain, Hamilton Mountain, Eagle Creek waterfalls, Bridge of the Gods and more.

Welcome to the Mecca of windsurfing.  Over many thousands of years the Columbia River and glacial flows carved a valley with regions of cliff walls.  The green rainforest of the Pacific Northwest colored the land and locals flock here for day hikes, camping, waterfall watching and to enjoy great scenic views.

AddTo Columbia Gorge gives you a map to some of the most sensational points and photos to illustrate them.  Of course the idea of the AddTo travel diary is for you to record your own notes and photos, then AddTo will automatically build a map of your places for you to use and share.

A mother’s advice to her child was to always find time for nature.  In the Columbia Gorge, you’ll wonder if you should find time anywhere else.